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Pro in Hands

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About our research

Our research focus is to investigate how patients with common conditions and injuries experience their symptoms during the first three months. Our collaborators also work clinically at county or regional healthcare levels.

We have developed a method to study pain and recovery of hand function on a day-by-day basis after a cortisone injection for a common hand surgery diagnosis, trigger finger. The results, which are published, show in detail how over 100 patients improve over six weeks. The response rate in the study was 94%, likely indicating that patients see value in obtaining this knowledge to provide evidence-based information to future patients undergoing the same treatment.

With slight modifications to the same method, we and our collaborators at several other hospitals have since initiated a prospective multicenter cohort study, where we similarly study recovery after distal radius fracture—the most common fracture in Sweden. This study has so far included approximately 270 patients at Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Mölndal, Kungälv Hospital, and AlingsaÌŠs Hospital. In addition to pain and functional assessment through a diagnosis-specific instrument (PRWE, Patient Reported Wrist Evaluation), patients also record in detail their daily pain medication intake and weekly orthosis use. Here, too, there is a significant knowledge gap, as prospective studies on analgesic consumption are largely absent. Meanwhile, it is known that nearly 18% of all postoperative opioid dependency arises following orthopedic procedures.

In the long term, this method could be applied to most high-volume orthopedic and hand surgery standard procedures, complementing registry data with unique patient-reported outcome measures. We are also conducting research

on several other diagnoses in collaboration with various international and national partners.


Our vision and mission

We are a team of dedicated researchers who share a common vision: to enhance patient care through evidence-based insights and innovation. Through our research, we aim to deepen the understanding of medical conditions and treatments while directly contributing to improved patient outcomes and higher quality of care.

Get to know our team

Our team consists of dedicated researchers in hand surgery. We work together to make a positive difference in our patients' lives.

Get to know us below:

Joakim Strömberg

Joakim Strömberg

Consultant in Orthopedics & Hand Surgery, MD Associate Professor

Joakim Strömberg is an associate professor and senior physician in hand surgery and orthopedics. He completed his doctorate in 2018 with the dissertation “On minimally invasive treatment of Dupuytren's contracture” and supervises four doctoral students, two of whom are part of his research group. He works clinically at the surgery/orthopedics department at Alingsås Hospital and has conducted part-time research in various areas since 2018.

Martin Byström

Martin Byström

Consultant in Hand Surgery, MD, PhD Student

Martin is a senior physician in hand surgery and orthopedics. He is a doctoral student, and his dissertation project focuses on the treatment of Dupuytren's contracture.

Hasan Bitar

Hasan Bitar

Senior Resident in Orthopedics, MD, PhD Student

Hasan is completing his specialist training in orthopedics at Alingsås Hospital. He is a doctoral student, and his dissertation project focuses on patient-reported outcomes after treatment for trigger finger.

Our published scientific works.


Bitar H, Zachrisson A, Byström M, Strömberg J Day-by-day symptom relief after corticosteroid injection for triggerfinger: a randomized controlled study of two techniques. Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur). 2023. Oct;48(9):849-856 PMID 37218106 1.


Ramström T, Reinholdt C, Wangdell J, Strömberg J  Functional outcomes six years after spasticity correcting surgery combined with regimen specific rehabilitation in the upper limb. Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur). 2022. 48(1):54-55 PMID: 36205035


Strömberg J, Berg J, Reinholdt C Technique and biomechanical properties of the side-to-side Z-lengthening in spasticity-correcting surgery- a study on porcine tendons. Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery. 2022. 17:1-3 PMID: 35713968


Chevalley S, Tenfält M, Åhlén M, Strömberg J  Passive mobilisation with place-and-hold versus active motion therapy after flexor tendon repair – a randomised trial. J Hand Surg (Am) 2022 47(4): 348-357 PMID: 35190217


Byström M, Ibsen Sörensen A, Fridén J, Samuelsson K, Strömberg J Five-year results of a randomized, controlled trial of collagenase treatment compared with needle fasciotomy for Dupuytren’s contracture J Hand Surg (Am) 2022 47(3):211-217 PMID: 35074248För att läsa hela forskningsplanen, se dokumentet.


Bergfeldt U, Strömberg J, Ramström T, Kulbacka-Ortiz K, Reinholdt C. Functional outcomes of spasticity- reducing surgery and rehabilitation at 1-year follow-up in 30 patients. J Hand Surg (Eur) 2020. 45(8): 807-812 PMID: 32338191


Zachrisson A, Ibsen Sörensen A, Strömberg J. Needle fasciotomy for Dupuytren’s contracture- a prospective cohort study of 58 fingers with a median follow-up of 6.5 years. Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery. 2020. 54(2): 89-93  PMID: 31755800

Read more here


Strömberg J. Percutaneous needle fasciotomy for Dupuytren contracture. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery EST. 2019; 9(1): e6(1-9) PMID: 31086724 


Strömberg J, Ibsen Sörensen A, Fridén J. Percutaneous needle fasciotomy versus collagenase treatment for Dupuytren contracture. A randomized controlled trial with a two-year follow-up.

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2018. 100:1079-86. PMID: 29975270


Vanek P, Stromberg J, Friden J, Aurell Y. Morphological patterns of the pretendinous cord in Dupuytren's disease: a predictor of clinical outcome? J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2018 Aug;52(4):240-244 PMID: 29741424


Strömberg, J Vanek P, Fridén J, Aurell Y: ”Ultrasonographic examination of the ruptured cord after collagenase treatment or needle fasciotomy for Dupuytren’s contracture” J Hand Surg Eur 2017. Vol 42E(7):683-688 PMID: 28587568 


Strömberg, J, Ibsen-Sörensen A, Fridén J: "Comparison of Treatment Outcome After Collagenase and Needle Fasciotomy for Dupuytren Contracture: A Randomized, Single-Blinded, Clinical Trial With a 1-Year Follow-Up." J Hand Surg Am 2016. Vol 41(9): 873-880. PMID: 27473921 


Andersson, J. K., Axelsson, P., Strömberg, J., Karlsson, J., Fridén, J. "Patients with triangular fibrocartilage complex injuries and distal radioulnar joint instability have reduced rotational torque in the forearm." J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2016. 41(7): 732-738. PMID: 26701974


Olmarker K, Strömberg J, Blomquist J, Zachrisson P, Nannmark U, Nordborg C,Rydevik B:

”Chondroitinase ABC (pharmaceutical grade) for chemonucleolysis. Functional and structural evaluation after local application on intraspinal nerve structures and blood vessels. 

Spine 1996;21; pp 1952-6. PMID: 8883193


Olmarker K, Blomquist J, Strömberg J, Nannmark U, Thomsen P, Rydevik B:”Inflammatogenic properties of nucleus pulposus” Spine 1995; 6; pp 665 – 669. PMID: 7604342

Other publications


Strömberg J, Chemnitz A, Blaszczyk I, Rubensson C, Asif Aslam M, Alfort H, Sagerfors M

Hand surgery for spasticity underutilized in adults. Läkartidningen. 2022.


Strömberg J. Re: Fumiki Kamoi, Makoto Kondo, Masanori Hayashi, Shigeharu Uchiyama and Hiroyuki Kato. A new technique to determine the tension in extensor pollicis longus reconstruction. J Hand Surg(E) 2020: DOI: 10.1177/1753193420908713 PMID: 32126872


Strömberg J. Time to stop using collagenase for Dupuytren's contracture? - Needle fasciotomy provides equally good results at a third of the cost. Läkartidningen. 2018;115: 1516-1517 E949. PMID: 31192405


Report from a regional collaborative project: From open surgery in the operating department to needle puncture in the outpatient clinic – an inventory of treatments for Dupuytren's contracture in the Västra Götaland region 2010-2018. Byström M, Zachrisson AK, Strömberg J.


How many read a doctoral thesis? Strömberg J., Läkartidningen 2019 (8):384.


HTA report 2011:39: Active mobilization after surgery for flexor tendon injuries (zone II) in the hand. Strömberg J, Ejeskär A, Eriksson M, Nilsson A, Sjövall H, Svanberg T, Strandell A.

Strömberg J, Blomquist J, Konno S, Olmarker K, Rydevik B, Kikuchi: "Effects of locally applied"; pp 33 – 38.


​​Strömberg J, Blomquist J, Konno S, Olmarker K, Rydevik B, Kikuchi: ”Effects of locally applied

iopamidol on blood vessel and impulse conduction in spinal nerve roots.” Neuroorthopaedics 1995;

19; pp 33 – 38

Muntliga presentationer, vetenskapliga konferenser

Day-by-Day Patient Reported Outcomes after open release of trigger digit: a prospective, multicenter cohort study in 95 patients.

Hasan Bitar, Alfred Harrysson, Anders Björkman, Joakim Strömberg

SSSH (Scandinavian Society for Surgery of the Hand) Köpenhamn, Danmark



Day-to-day patient reported pain and use of analgesics after distal radius fracture- a prospective parallel group study.

Joakim Strömberg, Eva Andersson, Elisabet Hagren, Ingrid Andreasson. 

FESSH (Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand) Rotterdam, Nederländerna



Användning och patientupplevd betydelse av handledsortos under de tre första månaderna efter opererad handledsfraktur.

Eva Andersson, Elisabet Hagren, Ingrid Andreasson, Joakim Strömberg

Svensk Förening för Handrehabilitering. Handdagarna 2024. Malmö 2024-0321-22


Patient-reported recovery after trigger digit surgery- a prospective parallel group study comparing open versus percutaneous release in 41 patients.

Hasan Bitar MD, Joakim Strömberg MD PhD. FESSH (Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand). Rimini, Italien 2023-05-11


Changes in treatment practice after the introduction of collagenase for Dupuytren’s contracture. A register study based on 23,752 patients from the Swedish National Patient Register.

Martin Byström MD, Joakim Strömberg MD, PhD. FESSH (Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand). Rimini, Italien 2023-05-13

The TriggerHappy Trial: a randomized controlled multicenter study comparing two injection techniques for triggerfinger with day-to-day patient-reported symptom score

Anna K Zachrisson MD, Martin Byström MD, Joakim Strömberg MD PhD

International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH)

London, 2022-06-07


Instagram as an adjuct to traditional teaching

Martin Byström MD, Joakim Strömberg MD PhD

International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH)

London, 2022-06-10


Passive mobilisation with place-and-hold versus active motion therapy after flexor tendon injury-a randomised trial

Sara Chevalley MD, Maria Tenfält OT, Martina Åhlén MD PhD, Joakim Strömberg MD, PhD

International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH)

London, 2022-06-07


The TriggerHappy Trial: en randomiserad kontrollerad multicenterstudie mellan två injektionstekniker för triggerfinger med dag-till-dag uppföljning.

Svensk Handkirurgisk Förenings årsmöte 2021-12-02


No difference in recurrence rate and sustained straightness between collagenase treatment and needle fasciotomy for Dupuytren´s Contracture - a five-year follow-up of a randomized study.

Martin Byström MD, Allan Ibsen-Sörensen MD, Kristian Samuelsson MD PhD, Jan Fridén MD PhD, Joakim Strömberg MD PhD. FESSH (Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand) Congress (virtual), 18 juni 2021


Changing patterns of treatment for Dupuytren´s contracture - a retrospective and economic study of the introduction of needle fasciotomy in western Sweden 2010-2018.

J. Strömberg, MD, PhD 1,2, J. Nilsson, MD 2, A. K. Zachrisson MD3, P. Holmdahl4 , 

M. Byström, MD1  FESSH (Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand) Congress (virtual), 18 juni 2021


Spasticitetseffektsreducerande kirurgi ger ökad funktion och aktivitet – en prospektiv studie på 30 patienter med ettårsuppföljning. Joakim Strömberg, MD, PhD 1,2, Ulla Bergfeldt, RPT, PhD 1,Therese Ramström,  OT 1, Carina Reinholdt, MD, PhD 1,3

Svensk Handkirurgisk Förenings vetenskapliga möte, Sigtuna 19-08-29


Långtidsresultat efter nålfasciotomi för Dupuytrens kontraktur- en prospektiv studie på 58 fingrar med en median uppföljning på 6,5 år. Anna Zachrisson, MD 1, Allan Ibsen Sörensen, MD 2

Joakim Strömberg, MD, PhD 2,3

Svensk Handkirurgisk Förenings vetenskapliga möte, Sigtuna 19-08-29


Needle fasciotomy for Dupuytren´s contracture- a prospective cohort study of 58 fingers with a median follow-up time of 6.5 years.

Anna Zachrisson MD1, Allan Ibsen-Sörensen MD2, Joakim Strömberg MD PhD 2,3.

IFSSH (International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand) Berlin, 19 juni 2019


Spasticity-reducing hand surgery for patients with upper motor neuron injuries: a prospective study of 30 patients with a one-year follow-up

Joakim Strömberg MD PhD 1,2, Ulla Bergfeldt OT PhD 1 Therese Ramström OT 1, Carina Reinholdt MD PhD 1,3.

IFSSH (International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand) Berlin, 20 juni 2019


Equivalent treatment effect after percutaneous needle fasciotomy or collagenase treatment for Dupuytren´s contracture- 2-year results of a randomized controlled trial with ultrasonographic evaluation.

J.Strömberg, J Fridén

ASSH (American Society for Surgery of the Hand), 13-15 september 2018, Boston, USA


Ultrasonography of the pretendineous cord in Dupuytren’s disease- a pilot study to correlate morphological patterns before treatment to clinical outcome after two years 

J. Strömberg, MD 1,2, P. Vanek, MD 3,J. Fridén, MD, PhD 1,2,4 Y. Aurell , MD, PhD 3

FESSH 2018, 15 juni, Köpenhamn, Danmark


Nerve transfer of motor branches from the Supinator muscle to the Posterior Interosseus Nerve in tetraplegia– a one-year follow up of 17 operated forearms.

Joakim Strömberg1, Johanna Wangdell1, Carina Reinholdt1, Jan Fridén1,2

FESSH 2018, 15 juni, Köpenhamn, Danmark


Nervtransferering av supinatorgrenar till Nervus Interosseous Posterior (S-PIN) - en ny standardmetod i tetrahandkirurgin Joakim Strömberg1, Johanna Wangdell1, Carina Reinholdt1, Jan Fridén1,2 

Svensk Handkirurgisk Förenings årsmöte. 2017-08-31 -09-01


Comparison of treatment outcome after collagenase and needle fasciotomy for Dupuytren contracture- a RCT with a one year follow-up.

J. Strömberg, MD 1,2, A. Ibsen-Sörensen3,J. Fridén, MD, PhD 1,2,4

FESSH 2017, Juni 2017, Budapest, Ungern


Nålfasciotomi kontra Xiapex vid Dupuytrens kontraktur- 2 årsresultat från en randomiserad kontrollerad studie- Svensk Handkirurgisk Förenings årsmöte 2017-08-31 -09-01


NOF 2016 (Nordisk Ortopedisk Förening), Linköping 2016-04-28

1. Upper extremity surgery in tetraplegia.

2. Spasticity in incomplete tetraplegia.

3. Nerve transfer in tetraplegia

4. Retrospective study of patients treated with osseointegrated implant in Metacarpale I after



Retrospektiv journalstudie av patienter behandlade med osseointegrerade proteser implantat i  metacarpale 1 efter amputation – Svensk Handkirurgisk Förenings årsmöte 2015-09-04



Ultraljud vid lokalbehandling av Dupuytren’s- inga skillnader mellan nålfasciotomi och Xiapex. Svensk Handkirurgisk Förenings årsmöte 2015-09-04


Equal treatment effect of needle fasciotomy and collagenase in Dupuytren´s disease- an ultrasonographic stydy.

J. Strömberg, MD 1,2, P. Vanek, MD 3,J. Fridén, MD, PhD 1,2,4 Y. Aurell , MD, PhD 3

FESSH 2015, Juni 2015, Milano, Italien


Ny mottagningsmodell ökar antalet nybesök med 50%. 

2014-09-04 Svensk Handkirurgisk Förenings vetenskapliga möte 2014-09-04


Prospective study of needle fasciotomy for Dupuytrens contracture with one year follow-up

FESSH 2013, Juni 2013 Antalya, Turkiet 

J. Strömberg, MD 1,2, A. Ibsen-Sörensen, J. Fridén, MD, PhD 1,2

(Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand)


HTA-analys av flexorsenskador i zon II

Medicinska riksstämman, Stockholm 2011-12-01


Prospective study of needle fasciotomy for Dupuytrens contracture with six months follow-up

Medicinska riksstämman, Stockholm 2011-12-01

Our Partners

  • B.A. van den Berge, MD, H. Habibi, MD; P.M.N. Werker, MD PhD; D.C. Broekstra, PhD University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Groningen, the Netherlands (PROM studie, behandling av Dupuytrens kontraktur)

  • Handkirurger Marcus Sagerfors (Örebro universitetssjukhus), Anette Chemnitz (handkirurg, Malmö), Muhammed Asif Aslam (Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala), Izabela Blaszczyk (Norrlands universitetssjukhus), Carin Rubensson (Linköpings Universitetssjukhus) samt Henrik Alfort (Södersjukhuset, Stockholm). Studier avseende spasticitetsreducerande kirurgi och botulinumtoxininjektioner efter förvärvad hjärnskada hos vuxna.

  • Docent Mats Dehlin, reumatologiska kliniken, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (studie av PROM efter ledinjektion för reumatoid artrit)

  • Professor Anders Björkman, handkirurgiska kliniken, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (multicenterstudie av PROM efter operation av triggerfinger), delat handledarskap för doktorander Hasan Bitar och Sara Chevalley 

  • Professor Mats Geijer, radiologiska kliniken, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (MR-studier av patienter behandlade med nålfasciotomi för Dupuytrens kontraktur, Martin Byströms avhandlingsprojekt)

  • Professor Kristian Samuelsson, ortopedkliniken, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, delat handledarskap för doktorand Martin Byström

  • Docent Pether Jildenstål, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap (användande av en särskilt framarbetad applikation (PeriOp-appen) till mobiltelefon för planerad digital version av dag-till-dag registreringar)

  • Arbetsterapeuter Ingrid Andreasson (MD, Handmottagningen, Mölndals sjukhus, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset), Eva Andersson (Handteamet, Alingsås lasarett) och Elisabet Brogren (Handrehab, Kungälvs sjukhus). Prospektiv studie på PROM efter distal radiusfraktur, regionalt FoU-projekt.

  • Arbetsterapeuter och Medicine Doktorer Therese Ramström och Johanna Wangdell, Center för Avancerad Rekonstruktion av Extremiteter, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (spasticitetskirurgi)

  • Professor Ola Rolfson, ortopedkliniken, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset samt ST-läkare och den förres doktorand Johan Simonsson, Kungälvs sjukhus avseende PROMs dag-för-dag efter ledprotesoperationer

  • Professor Michael Möller , ortopedkliniken, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset avseende återhämtning efter fotledsfrakturer

  • ST-läkare Johanna Bergman, radiologiska kliniken, Alingsås lasarett avseende röntgen vid cortisoninjektion för triggerfinger.

Our Partners

  • B.A. van den Berge, MD, H. Habibi, MD; P.M.N. Werker, MD PhD; D.C. Broekstra, PhD University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Plastic Surgery, Groningen, the Netherlands (PROM study, treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture)

  • Hand surgeons Marcus Sagerfors (Örebro University Hospital), Anette Chemnitz (hand surgeon, Malmö), Muhammed Asif Aslam (Uppsala University Hospital), Izabela Blaszczyk (Norrland University Hospital), Carin Rubensson (Linköping University Hospital), and Henrik Alfort (Södersjukhuset, Stockholm). Studies regarding spasticity-reducing surgery and botulinum toxin injections after acquired brain injury in adults.

  • Associate Professor Mats Dehlin, Department of Rheumatology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital (study of PROM after joint injection for rheumatoid arthritis)

  • Professor Anders Björkman, Department of Hand Surgery, Sahlgrenska University Hospital (multicenter study of PROM after trigger finger surgery), shared supervision of PhD students Hasan Bitar and Sara Chevalley

  • Professor Mats Geijer, Department of Radiology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital (MRI studies of patients treated with needle fasciotomy for Dupuytren’s contracture, Martin Byström’s dissertation project)

  • Professor Kristian Samuelsson, Department of Orthopedics, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, shared supervision of PhD student Martin Byström

  • Associate Professor Pether Jildenstål, Department of Health Sciences (use of a specially developed mobile phone application (PeriOp app) for planned digital version of day-to-day recordings)

  • Occupational therapists Ingrid Andreasson (MD, Hand Clinic, Mölndal Hospital, Sahlgrenska University Hospital), Eva Andersson (Hand Team, Alingsås Hospital), and Elisabet Brogren (Hand Rehab, Kungälv Hospital). Prospective study on PROM after distal radius fracture, regional R&D project.

  • Occupational therapists and PhDs Therese Ramström and Johanna Wangdell, Center for Advanced Reconstruction of Extremities, Sahlgrenska University Hospital (spasticity surgery)

  • Professor Ola Rolfson, Department of Orthopedics, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, and resident physician and his PhD student Johan Simonsson, Kungälv Hospital regarding day-to-day PROMs after joint replacement surgeries

  • Professor Michael Möller, Department of Orthopedics, Sahlgrenska University Hospital regarding recovery after ankle fractures

  • Resident physician Johanna Bergman, Department of Radiology, Alingsås Hospital regarding radiology for cortisone injection in trigger finger.

Medical Consultation

Would you like to get in touch with us?

PRO in Hands is a research group focused on patient-reported outcomes in hand surgery. We are always open to new collaborations and look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions or would like to discuss partnership opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Alingsås Lasarett - Kirurgi- och ortopedkliniken
Södraringgatan 30

44133 AlingsaÌŠs Sverige

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